Evolution of CTO Responsibilities

Looking to hire a CTO for your startup? 

Identifying and hiring a qualified is difficult. Demand for qualified candidates vastly exceeds the supply. The inability to find the right CTO is a crippling obstacle for many entrepreneurs.

The good news is that you may not need a CTO yet. Ask yourself: what stage of development is my business at? In the early stages, you have a number of excellent alternatives to meet the technology needs of your business. Yes, it is harder to find a path forward without a technical cofounder, but no one said being an entrepreneur would be easy. Keep in mind that the skills you need from your CTO will evolve substantially as the business grows so the ideal candidate for early stages likely is not an idea fit for the later stages and vice versa. Once your business reaches the level of maturity at which hiring a CTO ceases to be optional, qualified candidates will begin to seek you out.

Evolution of CTO Responsibilities - EN

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