WineJaunt is a multiplatform marketplace application, mobile and web, for helping users discover and arrange visits to beautiful wineries.  


Goals & Challenges

In order to provide wine lovers with the best and most complete wine discovery tool available, WineJaunt functions as a marketplace app (similar to OpenTable and AirBNB) that allows users to perform three core functions:

  1. Discover a curated selection of outstanding wineries to visit.
  2. Decide which winery to visit.
  3. Arrange a time and date to visit the winery.

The user experience had to be practical both when you are planning a trip from home and when you are already traveling.  That implied a multiplatform (iOS, Android and Web) application with native quality user experience and the same backend. Additionally, the app incorporates three different methods for users to navigate wineries: a search function for users who know where they want to go, a map exploration tool, and view of the wineries near the users locations.  All three tools can be filtered by a variety of criteria.

Each winery listed has its own profile including photos, information about the winery and its wines, the experiences it offers, driving directions, contact information, social media, user reviews, and a function to send a visit request directly to the winery. This necessitated the creation of administrative tools in the website to add and modify winery content.

WineJaunt also allows users to create their own profile using either a Gmail or Facebook account.  When a WineJaunt user sends a visit request to the winery, the app requires the user’s profile in order to facilitate communication between the user and the winery. Additionally, a user profile is required in order to post a review of the winery.  The administration tool also allows WineJaunt admins to manage user profiles and user generated content.

WineJaunt also had several additional requirements:

  • Multi-language.
  • The database architecture had to be designed with the possibility of supporting thousands of wineries across hundreds of regions worldwide.
  • Wineries displayed are sequenced based on algorithms to measure popularity and relevance.

Services & Responsibilities

CodeBerry Solutions was the sole technology partner involved in the project. The team generated the mockups and design, selected the software architecture and services providers, built the web and mobile applications, and conducted QA testing. The project exceeded the initial requirements and was ahead of schedule.


  • React Native
  • React.JS
  • Node.JS
  • Elastic Search
  • Firebase